
Where it all started

It's hard to say why exactly I picked up the tarot. I guess most of those who did will not be able to answer the "why" question.
It just happens. I want to believe that these cards just pick us, magically. And when they do, it doesn't mean anything yet. Guess you have to be sort of prepared for the "mission" because you will have to learn a totally new language, a language you never have heard or spoken before, yet so familiar and tangible that you can't help but wonder - "how come I didn't know?"

As for me, I started with poker cards. Somewhere at the age of 15 I've got a small book (a pamphlet, rather) with a couple of spreads and the meaning of each card in those spreads, and also different combinations of cards. There were so many of them that I couldn't let that book go. I felt like a cripple always relying on his cane. I had to go through every single card in that book, then through every single combination of cards, then see how they all connect in the spread, and then compose a fine and believable story.

It was fun. And innocent. Until one day. On that day I picked up my poker deck and did the usual spread. I looked through all the card. Then I went through combinations. Right at the "head" of the spread (which meant the nearest future) was this exact combination of Ace of Spades and another card (which I fail to remember now). According to my pamphlet, that very combination was standing for the news of someone dying!!! And it was in the "nearest future" section, which is several hours to 3-7 days. I frowned. Packed the deck. Went to do some stuff around the house. Forgot about the spread and the message.

Until 40 minutes later, when the phone rang. It was my father's friend who, his voice trembling, said that my grandfather died from a heart stroke, 30 minutes ago, right in the middle of the Russian winter cold, while skiing with my brother.

I was shocked. By death. As much as by the message of it coming from a mundane poker deck. It was a glimpse in the future right there, very scary one. And I got scared indeed. I never picked up that deck again, nor did I ever looked at that book.

And here I am now, with a miniature Tarot Waite deck bought from Amazon for less than $10, which contains the major arcana card named Death :) I am happy enough to know that Death in tarot does not always indicate physical perish (sight of relief here!). However, the symbolism of the tarot is rich and not easy to decipher.

There are tons of books out there that help with basic meanings and symbolism. My first one was "Learning the Tarot" by Joan Bunning. It's great. Newertheless, I quickly learned that it's not going to be a quick learning. That I must not just study by heart what each and every single card means, according to some wise people out there. That I must listen to the cards. REALLY listen. And listen to myself for that matter.

And this is what this blog is about. Listening to yourself, listening to what the cards are here to tell you, seeing yourself through them and in them. So let's get the magic started!

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