
The Hermit (Lenka's birth card)

Be ye lamps unto yourselves.
- Buddha

August 16, 1983. A special date for me. Lenka was born. This gorgeous blue-eyed sunshine. I wish you to reach the tops you never thought would be reachable. And when you do, I wish you to be happy, Lenka! I know I can't hug you now and wish you all that in person. But here's my little gift to you. I hope you find it inspirational. Happy birthday, my love!

Your birth date is related to number 9. Remember it and pay close attention to how this number manifests in your life. If we take the tarot major arcana, a card numbered 9 is the HERMIT. Hey, don't panic just yet! It doesn't mean you are doomed to the lonely life and eternal wondering in the darkness (that's what most people pick up when they see the card for the first time :). Philosopher Blaise Pascal once noted that "All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone."

Look at him closely. He's alone in the woods. He seems to be lost. But is he? If he is lost, why did he close his eyes? When someone is lost and wants to find the way back, wouldn't he or she keep eyes wide open, walking around, instead of standing steel? Now the next question... If the hermit keeps his eyes closed, why does he need the light?

The hermit is alone in the physical plane, but he has his Higher Self as a company on the spiritual plane. He withdrew himself from everyone because, living his life among others, he somehow felt that he couldn't find what he was looking for. Being alone allows him to search within himself. He doesn't need the light. The lantern is for others.

Imagine yourself being lost in the woods. It's getting darker and darker, and you still can't find the path you came from. Restless and scared, you pray to God to show you the way or send someone who knows the way out (or you simply want to get out of here for real! :)) And suddenly, through bushes and tree trunks, you spot a glimpse of light. You start walking on it. Coming closer and closer. You see a man in a rugged cloak, paused with his eyes closed, as though he was waiting for you. What do you feel at this moment? I bet you are beyond happy to find him there LOL.

In Rider Waite deck the Hermit is portrayed staying on snow as the symbol of untouched, clean. The season is winter. The nature rests, goes within, saves energy for even greater growth and abundance. Whiteness covers everything, conceals colors and shapes, doesn't distract. Perfect time for withdrawal. It also reminds us that after winter comes spring. Everything changes. Everything is in TRANSFORMATION. So is the Hermit's seclusion: it won't last forever (and it shouldn't). One day he will have to return and bring the light of his wisdom to those who are still seeking.

Taroists pay special attention to the lantern the Hermit carries. Its light is a shape of the Solomon's Seal (King Solomon is known for his wisdom and fair judgement). It represents duality of inner and outer, conscious and subconscious (as there is the light within the lantern and outside, too).

Hermits withdraw from society but not from humanity. Quite often they offer shelter and guidance to travelers. Buddha is just one of those whose road to enlightenment went through the years spent in solitude. Yet Buddha never lost his touch with reality and other humans, becoming one of the greatest Teachers. Nietzsche's Dus Sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) enshrines the Hermit's image; the book begins with Zarathustra's return after achieving personal transformation.

So when we see the Hermit in his full potential, we deal with study, self-examination, search (and research, introspectiveness, mentoring or guiding, investigating, seeking answers, soul searching, as well as personal transformation that can help transform the world.

The Hermit as the Spirit Card

While each of us has a reason for being born, our purpose is often less than clear. So we flounder about trying to figure out where we belong and why. When the Hermit appears as the Spirit card, it means that you are the keeper of the Universal light. And as good as it sounds, it's not an easy job. Why? Because your mission is not only to instill self-confidence and self-worth in others, but to convince them to let their personal lights - talents, abilities, etc. - shine forth to guide the rest of the world. Lenka, know that by doing your job well, you'll do more than help those around you see their personal value - you'll make the world a better place to live.

The Hermit as the Lesson Card

Each lifetime we are born into comes with a specific lesson which, when properly learned, brings us closer to an ultimate goal: that of spiritual evolvement and perfection. When the Hermit comes to call in this position, it's time to come out of hiding, take a center stage, and be recognized. Because you've work quietly for so long, this may not be easy for you. Nonetheless, it's imperative that you learn to toot your own horn, and take due credit for your accomplishments. Understand that this has nothing to do with bragging or being boastful. Instead, it's a simple matter of accepting your rewards graciously, while pointing others in the direction of personal accomplishment.

The Hermit as the Talent Card

While the Hermit often works quietly behind the scenes, make no mistake: he also sheds light on every subject he studies. For that reason, his gifts are not only that of research and understanding, but the ability impart that knowledge to others.

If you wonder about Spiritual meanings of other Major Arcana cards, read HERE :)

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